Author Archives: Lozzy

Designer Wanted

Creative Transit are looking for an enthusiastic designer for the promotional material for their upcoming exhibition and music event night at Antwerp Mansion.

Designs are needed for flyers and posters, with a majority of creative control being left to the designer.

Designers will be credited and given their own artist page on the website – if they don’t already have one. As well as being able to include it in their portfolio it’s easy ‘client’ work for the CV, and the organisers will happily provide a testimonial for you if desired.

Deadline is midnight on 24th Janurary 2012.

See the below document for further details!


Antwerp Mansion

Creative Transit are currently preparing for their upcoming exhibition at Antwerp Mansion, Manchester.

The preview evening will consist of music, performances, an artist stall, and lots of other fun things! There’ll be more info to follow, but in the mean time, have a lovely winter!

Chinese Whispers

Thank you to everyone that came to the Chinese Whispers exhibition preview at BLANKSPACE on Thursday night. There was a fantastic turnout and a great time was had by all.

Creative Transit would like to thank Blank Media Collective, and all the staff at BLANKSPACE for the opportunity and all the support that has been given to us throughout the open studio and the exhibtion.

The organisers would like to thank all of the artists involved, especially those that made the open studio element a success, and who were stars during the installation of the exhibition: Katie Barnes, Chuman, Joel Moore, Dan Watson, Thom Thatcher, Emma Hardaker, Brigid Smart, Richard Long, Alex Cussons, Liam Evans, John Grocott, Enya Koster and Sonny Barker. See their tab at the top of the page for more information on them!

Special thank you to Nealley Fraser and Jenine Brown for being genuine stars and helping with the install. Also to Paul Holmes for creating the CTDocumentary.

If you have any comments about the exhibtion, please feel free to email

Online Promotions Volunteer Wanted

Creative Transit are currently partaking in an Open Studio and exhibition at BLANKSPACE, entitled Chinese Whispers. Running from now until 25th August, with the preview evening on the 25th, and the exhibition running until the 28th.

We are looking for someone with good social media skills to promote the events online.

Basic duties would involve finding arts listings and ensuring the exhibition is listed, increasing our online presence, and general promotion. We have estimated that it may involve one or two intense sessions at the beginning,( finding the listings etc.) and then maybe a couple of hours a day after that following things up.

In exchange we would be happy to offer a great reference certifying your experience and various networking opportunities.

If you think you are the person for the job, please send a quick email to for more information.

About Us

A collective of highly motivated and enthusiastic emerging artists, ready to show the world what we can do!  We cover a range of themes and media, but are consistant in producing good quality, vibrant and engaging artwork that would compliment any given situation.

A group created by artists for artists, brought together through mutual networking.  The name ‘Creative Transit’ derrives from the notion that we are creatively travelling and looking forwards in both our creative lives and our artistic practice. Creative Transitwas created as a handle that would permit us to continue working in the wide range of media that we employ to create our work, but also that would bring our diverse practices together and allow us to exhibit as a group.

Our output is very diverse, and includes photography, painting, textiles, moving image, installation and 3D sculpture; and cover ideas of the real, surreal, abstract and natural.

Creative Transit has previously exhibited at Piccadilly Place as part of the Free For Arts Festival in October 2010 and has since then been searching for venues suitable for a new exhibition.


Lauren Taylor and Rebecca Wild
Core Artists:
Sonny Barker, Katie Barnes, Runa Begum, Adrianne Brookes, Felix Burnett, Chuman, Alex Cussons, Rebecca Duffin, Liz Greenwood, John Grocott, Emma Victoria Hardaker, Samantha Kelly, Pete  Kingsford, Enya Koster, Rebecca Lange, Joel Moore, Andrea de la Rubia, Phil Simpson, Lauren Taylor, Daniel Watson, Sophie Whiteford, Rebecca Wild.
General Admin:
Lauren Taylor
Freelance Copy Editor:
Rebecca Hotchen