About Us

A collective of highly motivated and enthusiastic emerging artists, ready to show the world what we can do!  We cover a range of themes and media, but are consistant in producing good quality, vibrant and engaging artwork that would compliment any given situation.

A group created by artists for artists, brought together through mutual networking.  The name ‘Creative Transit’ derrives from the notion that we are creatively travelling and looking forwards in both our creative lives and our artistic practice. Creative Transitwas created as a handle that would permit us to continue working in the wide range of media that we employ to create our work, but also that would bring our diverse practices together and allow us to exhibit as a group.

Our output is very diverse, and includes photography, painting, textiles, moving image, installation and 3D sculpture; and cover ideas of the real, surreal, abstract and natural.

Creative Transit has previously exhibited at Piccadilly Place as part of the Free For Arts Festival in October 2010 and has since then been searching for venues suitable for a new exhibition.


Lauren Taylor and Rebecca Wild
Core Artists:
Sonny Barker, Katie Barnes, Runa Begum, Adrianne Brookes, Felix Burnett, Chuman, Alex Cussons, Rebecca Duffin, Liz Greenwood, John Grocott, Emma Victoria Hardaker, Samantha Kelly, Pete  Kingsford, Enya Koster, Rebecca Lange, Joel Moore, Andrea de la Rubia, Phil Simpson, Lauren Taylor, Daniel Watson, Sophie Whiteford, Rebecca Wild.
General Admin:
Lauren Taylor
Freelance Copy Editor:
Rebecca Hotchen

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